Our year 10 students who have been involved in the STEM Enrichment programme have finished the year with huge success - winning the award for 'The Most Engaged School'. This was a result of the consistently high level of commitment and enthusiasm that they showed for all activities they were involved in.
Miss Hawes has been invited to collect the award with 2 students at The House of Lords in London next month! Photos to follow!
Further celebration is required for the following students who came first, second and third in the STEM Dream Career essay competition. The entries were praised for the students' passion for STEM as well as the detailed understanding of what is required to pursue a STEM related career. Amazon vouchers have been awarded to the top 3 students as well as those who took part.
We look forward to continuing the STEM Enrichment and Mentoring programme next year with our current group of students as well as a new year 10 group.