Dear Parents and Carers,
We are very pleased to be able to share a link to our latest Ofsted report following the inspection on 20 and 21 February 2024.
We are delighted inspectors graded four out of five areas ‘good’, including quality of education, personal development, leadership and management and Sixth-form provision. The behaviour and attitudes category was graded ‘requires improvement’. Although inspectors recognised the recent improvements in this area, there are still some pupils who are not attending school regularly enough and this forms part of the behaviour and attitudes judgement.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents who have supported us with the ‘Alexandra Way’, which has underpinned recent improvements in behaviour. There is still more work to be done to ensure all pupils engage with our high expectations, but Ofsted highlighted the real progress that has been made in a short space of time. Some particular highlights from the report include:
“The school has extremely high expectations for all pupils”
“Pupils rightly recognise that behaviour is improving as a result of the school raising its expectations. Bullying is not tolerated…”
“Pupils are safe and have positive relationships with staff…They are polite and articulate...”
“Many pupils are part of the Combined Cadet Force… There is also a wide range of other extra-curricular opportunities…”
“The curriculum is extremely ambitious, including for pupils with SEND or those from disadvantaged backgrounds…The curriculum is sequenced meticulously well.”
“The school’s work to improve the curriculum and teaching since the last inspection is having clear impact.”
“The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils learn to read and has created an impressive programme to achieve this.”
As you know, the new leadership team at Ark Alexandra has been in place for a matter of months, and whilst we are pleased with the progress that has been made, we know there is still an exciting journey ahead of us. This report serves to reinforce the work we have already undertaken and gives us confidence that we have the right plan moving forward.
A big part of this plan is the new ‘One school, two campus’ model for launch in September 2024, which will help us achieve the smaller community feeling that exists in all great schools. We remain on track to update you about this, including site allocations, by the May half term.
We are continuing our work with parents to ensure all pupils attend school regularly. And we are committed to working with all members of the community to help them understand the link between high standards and the Ark Alexandra behaviour policy, including via our weekly parent video messages, bulletins, regular communications, community events and 1-1 tours of the school. We are committed to continuing to raise standards for behaviour so that all pupils can flourish.
Finally, we are confident that our ongoing investment in staff training, curriculum design and assessment will bring about the rapid uplift in academic outcomes our pupils are capable of, setting them up for the bright future they deserve.
We are hugely grateful to all members of the community for their hard work, support and dedication to date and we look forward to continuing our rapid school improvement journey with you.
Yours faithfully,
Mr R Spiers
Executive Principal
Mr C Smith
Chair of Governors
Mr A Birks-Agnew
Head of School
Mr T Ittu
Head of School